Welcome to my world. Come in, sit down, enjoy the view from my perspective. Cup of coffee? Cream & sugar? Please make yourself at home. Kick off your shoes & stay a while. Or, as my Daddy would say, "Pull up a chair, 'cause ya'll ain't gonna believe this!"

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I don't know, go ask your mother

Deep Thoughts... by my son.

I have always told my kids that they'd better be on good behavior even when I am turned the other way because "I've got eyes in the back of my head and I can always see them." You know how it is... you're preparing a meal in the kitchen and the kids are sitting at the table across the room and you just know they are aggravating each other so you yell at them to straighten up. You don't even have to turn around, you just know what they're up to.

Anyway, a couple days ago, Daniel was shopping with my mom and apparently they saw a bald man. Daniel quietly studied him for a few moments, then asked my Mom, "Mimi, how come you can't see the eyes in the back of bald people's heads?"

My Mom didn't know what to say. Amid suppressed giggles, she told him he'd have to ask his Mommy. What do I say to something like that?

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