Welcome to my world. Come in, sit down, enjoy the view from my perspective. Cup of coffee? Cream & sugar? Please make yourself at home. Kick off your shoes & stay a while. Or, as my Daddy would say, "Pull up a chair, 'cause ya'll ain't gonna believe this!"

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

If it's the only thing he ever cuts, we're doing great!

A few days ago, Christopher came running in to the living room where I was folding laundry telling me "I cut mah hay-uh, Mom!" I thought at first that he said he cut his hand, so I grabbed his little hands and inspected them. I couldn't see anything, so I told him he was ok and kissed his forehead.

He started yelling, "NOOOO, you not touch it!" and covered his head. Completely puzzled, I leaned back to look at him and then I saw it. He'd cut his HAIR. Right on his swirly hurricane-shaped cowlick too... right down to the scalp. He was so proud of his "hay-uh cut" that I couldn't be angry. I just had to giggle.

It looks a little like he's got something stuck in it and it's just matted down. You can't really tell at first, but when we tell someone about it he proudly puts his hand on his head and says, "I do it myself!" with a gigantic grin. I will have to post pictures to show you.

Anyway... hair grows back, so I wasn't overly concerned. But I did feel really bad for a bit thinking I was a terrible mom for letting my baby play with scissors unsupervised. Especially since I was in the living room and he was in the bedroom and out of my sight.

It made me wonder where he found the adult scissors. I am usually very good about keeping them put out of reach. Then I discovered that he'd used the kid scissors. The ones I now recall had a big "Won't Cut Kid's Hair!" label on the front on the package. Hmm... wonder if Crayola would like to know about their false advertisement? LOL

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