Welcome to my world. Come in, sit down, enjoy the view from my perspective. Cup of coffee? Cream & sugar? Please make yourself at home. Kick off your shoes & stay a while. Or, as my Daddy would say, "Pull up a chair, 'cause ya'll ain't gonna believe this!"

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

On the upside, they've got a really nice TV!


I am STILL sick! It's officially been a week now since I started feeling rotten and while I am feeling a bit better, it's only marginal.
One good thing about being sick and sitting around on the sofa all day, is that I get to catch up on reading. Much to D's chagrin, I just found a lot of 12 romance novels from one of my favorite trashy romance novelists. He hates it when I sit around with my nose stuck in a book all day. Why he cares, I don't know.
Anyway, today I decided I would go against the suffer-till-I-die-or-get-better martyr stance that I usually take, and actually go to the doctor. My primary care couldn't work me in today... something about it being after noon when I called... so I went to the local Urgent Care center. They advertise in every newspaper and flyer around here about how efficient they are and how you should come to them before you go to the ER because their wait time is much less. I've also been told by several people who've gone there that they get you right in and out pretty quickly. I decided to chance it instead of suffering any longer.
Well, I guess if you've got a broken something or are actively vomiting, they get you in quickly; but if you're coughing like a cat trying to hack up a hairball, you get to sit a while in the posh waiting room with the skeleton watching a really nice HD TV.
Yes, they have a skeleton. He's not a full-size one; that would have creeped me out. This little guy is about 3 feet tall and sits in one of the waiting room chairs. I wondered briefly if I should be concerned over this. Well, needless to say, morbid curiosity got the better of me.
I laughed and asked the receptionist if he was there to remind people that no matter how sick they were, he was doing much worse...? She thought that was funny and said that he was there because he went to the ER first and didn't come see them. Ha. Ha. Ha. Since I had been sitting there for half an hour already, I almost failed to see the humor. I liked my explanation better.
Anyway, I have a viral upper respiratory infection. (Well, I did when I walked in the place. Having sat next to someone who's face was the color of split-pea soup, and hearing someone else who sounded like his head might explode if he sneezed; there is really no telling what sort of germs were floating around that place. Posh or not.) There isn't anything they can do for a viral infection, except treat the symptoms. So the doctor, who was very clinical but nice, gave me a prescription for cough meds and a decongestant. Which, of course, only treats the cough and stuffy nose. I was tempted to ask him what he was going to give me to treat the overall shitty feeling I have. But held my tongue since he didn't seem to be in a joking sort of mood. Not sure what he could give me anyway. I'm pretty sure they haven't discovered a miracle cure-all for general crappiness. Unless you count Jack Daniels.

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