Welcome to my world. Come in, sit down, enjoy the view from my perspective. Cup of coffee? Cream & sugar? Please make yourself at home. Kick off your shoes & stay a while. Or, as my Daddy would say, "Pull up a chair, 'cause ya'll ain't gonna believe this!"

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Overheard Recently

Original Post 11/05/08

Things heard at my house recently:

Christopher- "Daddy, I'm not picking my nose! I'm cleaning it."

Christopher- "But I only had 4 cupcakes today Mom! I want one for dessert!"

Daniel- (to a friend at school who is African-American) "You know you don't have to vote for Obama just because you're 'brown' and he's 'brown' too."

Christopher- "I didn't fart! That's Daniel's feet!"

Daniel- "Mooo-oomm!!! I just stepped in dog shit!"

Christopher- "You are a mean Mom!"

Christopher- "Oh you're the best Daddy I ever had!"

Daniel- "Is it just me or is that guy really stupid?"

Daniel- (with his finger in his ear) "I'm just getting dust out of my ear. My brain is really dusty today."

Recent Conversations-

Daniel: "I'm Indiana Jones!"
Christopher: "No, I am Indiana Jones!"
Daniel: "No you're not!"
Christopher: "No, Daniel, I am Indiana Jones cause I've got the hat!"

Me: "You two look like the 3 Stooges beating on each other! Cut that out!"
Daniel: "Who's Ethree Stooges?"

Me: "Where is your brother?"
Daniel: "I don't know, it wasn't my turn to keep up with him."

Me- "Christopher, did you wash your hands before you started eating?"
Christopher- "No, but I licked them clean like Lucy does."

Christopher- "Mooo-ooom!! Come quick! I want this thing on TV! Mom! Mom? Nevermind, you missed it cause you're not quick enough!"

Me- "Stop being a brat!"
Christopher- "I'm not a rat! Daniel is a rat."

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