Welcome to my world. Come in, sit down, enjoy the view from my perspective. Cup of coffee? Cream & sugar? Please make yourself at home. Kick off your shoes & stay a while. Or, as my Daddy would say, "Pull up a chair, 'cause ya'll ain't gonna believe this!"

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Yeah, so we vacuumed our tree... what's it to ya?

With a title like that, it must be so. Right? LOL

Well, it is... we literally did vacuum our Christmas tree. The damned thing was covered with leaves. I don't mean it had a couple here and there, I mean I am still pulling errant leaves out of this tree and we shook it thoroughly before bringing it in and vacuuming it. It must have been growing next to a really tall something-with-big-leaves tree that shed every single leaf onto it. So we got out the big ass high powered Shop Vac and cleaned it up.

But why on Earth did we vacuum it you say? Snakes, Brooms and Christmas Trees please check out my previous blog for more info on just why we vacuumed the tree. You just never know, do ya?

Last night, Daniel drew us a "treasure map" which eventually led to Lowe's. And wouldn't you guess it? The "treasure" was the tree. It was his way of dropping a not-so-subtle hint that he really wanted us to go get the tree, so we did. Although this one is from Home Depot instead of Lowe's. Seems like all the really tall pretty ones are gone from Lowe's and Home Depot only had a couple left that are in the 9-10 ft. range. But both stores had a ton of the 6 and 7 ft. trees. If they sell out of the big ones so quickly, why bother to stock so many of the shorter ones? I know they sell them, but why so many?

Anyway, this isn't very articulate is it? Just a blog of the randomness swimming around in my head today. Sorry!

I know you all have heard the Singing Dogs doing their version of "Jingle Bells", but have you ever heard the one where they bark/sing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas"? It's got cats meowing in it and it's really funny too. But not near as funny as watching my demented cat trying to find the other cats when she hears them. She nearly took out my speakers earlier trying to pounce the other cats out of them. It was freaking hilarious! Or maybe I am just easily amused, which very easily could be the case.


I am childless for the night, since the kids are with my mom. Yet here I sit listening to Christmas music and blogging like I have nothing better to do. I know what I am doing... I am hiding in the office attempting to delay the inevitable: having to go in there and put the lights up on the tree. Not that I don't want to, I really do. I am just having a hard time finding the proper motivation for such a daunting task. Get Dan to do it, you say? Nah... I can't let him. If he did it, I would sit there and nit-pick & criticize his method until he gave up and told me do it myself. I know, I know, I am anal like that. Guess I just want it done a certain way, that's all.

Even my redneck neighbors are outside putting up their Christmas lights, in fact, nearly everyone on our street (except the 3 families of JW's) have decorated already. You'd think I could get off my can and get to decorating!

Hmm... maybe I need to eat something first. I am thinking a tuna-salad sandwich on rye. That will make me jump up and get to work, right? Bah, who the hell am I kidding? Nothing short of a Starbucks Latte will get me up and going! You've seen those kitschy wooden signs for your door that say "Gone to Wal-Mart"? Maybe I need one that says, "Gone to Starbucks."

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