Welcome to my world. Come in, sit down, enjoy the view from my perspective. Cup of coffee? Cream & sugar? Please make yourself at home. Kick off your shoes & stay a while. Or, as my Daddy would say, "Pull up a chair, 'cause ya'll ain't gonna believe this!"

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Better not squeeze her too hard, she might pop

Haha! Daniel came up with the reason he got $5.00- it's cause he's 5 years old! He'll be 6 next month. Considering kids usually continue to lose their teeth until they're 12, he's going to be coming into some real money over the next few years.

Leave it to my son to come up with a way to squeeze even more moolah out of the Tooth Fairy. Chick's gonna be broke by the time his brother loses his teeth!

By the way, the Sacagawea dollars turned out to be a good way to slip in a history lesson too. Pretty sneaky, huh?

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