Welcome to my world. Come in, sit down, enjoy the view from my perspective. Cup of coffee? Cream & sugar? Please make yourself at home. Kick off your shoes & stay a while. Or, as my Daddy would say, "Pull up a chair, 'cause ya'll ain't gonna believe this!"

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

That Damned Paint

I have to tell the background of this story so it makes sense... bear with me. :)

As most of you know, we've been in the middle of a home renovation project that has lasted nearly all Summer. When we painted our bedroom, we painted it a nice shade of light blue. Well when I got the paint, I only got one gallon of it. Not sure exactly what I was thinking only getting just the one gallon, but I ended up having to go back and get a second gallon for the second coat of paint. Anyway when I went for the second gallon, I got to talking to the paint-mixer guy and he got distracted and to make a long story short... he used the wrong paint base resulting in paint that was the slightest bit off from the original color. It made it look like we'd painted shadows on the wall... and it looked bad enough that it absolutely had to be fixed.

I was pissed. Painting is a lot of hard work, and I didn't want to have to do it over again. So I started ranting about the stupid people at Home Depot and how they should have known better and how I was going to raise hell with them over that damned paint. Etc., etc., etc... you get the idea. Well... I really should learn to control my temper, I think. It never occurred to me that the children heard everything I said about "that damned paint."

A little while later when I was talking to my dad, he asked to talk to Daniel. At some point in the conversation, my dad put his end on speaker phone so that everyone could hear Daniel... including my 90 year old great-grandmother. Well, Daniel proceeded to fill them in on every choice word I'd said about "that damned paint" and how "pissed off" mommy was that she had to go back to Home Depot and deal with "those idiot shit heads" who obviously "don't know their ass from a hole in the ground."

Just gotta love those big ears that kids have, don't you? My grandmother wanted to know where I learned to talk like that since I'd never been a sailor.

Anyway... it's all good. I can laugh about it now. At least they all know just how mad I really was. LOL

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