Welcome to my world. Come in, sit down, enjoy the view from my perspective. Cup of coffee? Cream & sugar? Please make yourself at home. Kick off your shoes & stay a while. Or, as my Daddy would say, "Pull up a chair, 'cause ya'll ain't gonna believe this!"

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I thought it was funny anyway

Today, I went to my mom's for our annual "It's a Wonderful Life" and "White Christmas" afternoon of movie-watching. It's really more for my 90-year-old great-grandmother than anyone else. She just loves Bing Crosby, Rosemary Clooney and Jimmy Stewart.

As you may or may not know, in the movie "It's a Wonderful Life", Jimmy Stewart's character is visited by his guardian angel. When JS first meets him, he gets annoyed with the angel and starts arguing with him and tells him to shut up. My grandmother, who was thoroughly enjoying the movie up to that point, gasps and says, "He ought not to be talking to him like that! I wouldn't talk to my guardian angel like that!"

Writing it down in a blog, it somehow lacks the humor it did when she said it. Anyway, I found it funny earlier.


On Thanksgiving day, my Mom, Grandmother and I were sitting at the table talking. This was over coffee and pie, long after dinner had been served. My Grandma was looking at her arms and how bruised and yucky they look since she's been on a new medicine whose side effect is easily-bruised skin.

She started, "Gosh, I look like..." then she broke off and started laughing. I asked her what she was going to say and she goes, "Well, I was going to say, 'I look like a 90-year-old woman!' then I realized how stupid that sounded."

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